Gently Wean Your Breastfeeding Toddler With Ease, Love, And Confidence in 30 Days

Discover How Nursing Mothers Are Easily Weaning & Transitioning To Independence While Maintaining A Strong Bond

Struggling to Begin Your Weaning Journey?

Are you a loving mom who wants to gently wean your toddler but is paralyzed by the fear of tears, uncertainty about where to begin, and the overwhelming feeling of being lost in the process?

Do you worry that weaning might jeopardize the precious bond you've worked so hard to build with your little one?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, then I have the perfect solution for you.

Introducing The Gently Weaned Toddler Program

Discover a Kinder, Gentler Path Forward.

Our program is specifically designed for moms like you who long to navigate the weaning journey with compassion and grace, without resorting to abrupt methods that may cause tears or strain your bond.

Embark on this transformative chapter of motherhood with confidence and clarity.

Say goodbye to feeling lost or uncertain about how to begin this challenging journey and embrace a kinder, gentler approach to weaning.

What To Expect From This Amazing Program

Let me break it down for you, mama

  • Weaning in 30 Days or Less

    Yes, you heard that right! And depending on where you are in your weaning journey, it can even be over a weekend!

  • A clear and actionable plan:

    My step-by-step roadmap makes weaning a breeze. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a smooth and stress-free journey!

  • Encouragement to get you through the weaning process:

    I know that weaning can be challenging, but with my program, you'll receive the motivation you need to stay on track and achieve your goals.

  • Keep a strong bond:

    Weaning doesn't mean saying goodbye to the special connection you share with your toddler. I'll show you how to maintain a loving bond throughout the process, creating beautiful moments of closeness and love.

  • Minimal tears, maximum comfort:

    My gentle approach ensures a smooth transition, with minimal tears and emotional distress.

  • Gradual steps for a comfortable transition:

    I guide you through gentle and gradual steps. Your toddler will adjust comfortably, and you'll both feel more at ease.

  • Goodbye to round-the-clock nursing: Say farewell to being at your little one's beck and call 24/7. This program covers both daytime and nighttime weaning, giving you the freedom and rest you've been craving.

  • Reclaiming your body and "me" time: It's time to put yourself first, mama! My program helps you regain control of your body and gives you the precious gift of time for self-care and personal pursuits.

  • Sweet dreams and better sleep:

    We all know that lack of sleep can turn any mama into a zombie. But worry not! I offer strategies to improve your toddler's sleep patterns, leading to better rest for the whole family.

  • Strengthened relationship:

    As we wean our little ones, we create space for our relationships to flourish. With the burden of constant nursing lifted, you'll have more energy and time to focus on your partner, rekindling the spark that may have been put on hold.

Ready to embrace a smoother weaning journey? Let's do this together!

This Program Is For You If...

  • Your toddler is between 1 & 2.5 years old

  • You are fully ready to wean & finally regain some freedom & control of your life

  • Are able to follow a plan & take action

  • All you need is motivation & a program that gets you results

  • Are tired of trying things that don't work & looking for a new and gentle way to wean

What You'll Get With The Gently Weaned Toddler Program

Instant Access Available On Any Device 24/7

Let Me Give You A Sneak Peek Into The 7 Incredible Modules

  • Get Your Mind Ready for Weaning & Goal Setting

    Mama, we're setting the stage for success!

    In this module, we'll dive deep into the mindset you need for a positive weaning experience.

    I'll share tips and tricks to keep you motivated, focused, and confident as you embark on this beautiful journey.

  • Set Up a Schedule for Smooth Progress

    Organization is key!

    With a clear plan in hand, you'll have the power to navigate the weaning process with ease.

  • Master Distraction & Goodbye to Snack Nursing

    Let's become experts in distraction techniques, my friend!

    We'll explore ideas to redirect your toddler's attention when they crave that snack nursing session.

    Get ready to discover new ways to keep them happily occupied!

  • Goodbye Morning Nursing, Hello Alternative Mornings

    Mornings are about to get exciting!

    We'll uncover creative alternatives to replace the morning nursing sessions.

  • ​Nap Time Transitions & Alternative Sleep Solutions

    Nap time, mama—let's tackle it together!

    I'll guide you through effective strategies to bid farewell to nap nursing while ensuring your little one gets the restful sleep they need.

    Get ready for some innovative sleep solutions that'll leave both of you feeling refreshed.

  • Sweet Dreams without Bedtime Nursing

    Bedtime routines are about to become even more special!

    We'll explore soothing bedtime rituals and create a cozy environment that helps your toddler drift off to sleep without nursing.

    Get ready for peaceful nights and magical moments.

  • Gentle Night Weaning & Navigating Night Wake-ups

    It's time to gently wean those nighttime nursing sessions, mama.

    I'll share gentle methods to help your toddler transition to a full night's sleep without relying on nursing.

    We'll also tackle those occasional night wake-ups with love and understanding.

Your ultimate roadmap to achieving gentle weaning success

in a remarkably short period of time—approximately 3-4 weeks

BONUS #1: Schedule & Goal Sheet PDF to keep track of your success

Stay organized and motivated with my printable schedule and goal sheet.

It's the perfect tool to track your progress and celebrate your achievements along the way

BONUS #2: Resources video with product recommendations of must-have items

I've curated a list of essential products that will support you during the weaning process.

From distraction tools to alternative milk options, I've got you covered.


Don't just take my word for it. See what other mamas have achieved with this program!

Carolyn, Virginia

Wanted to wean before baby #2

Christine, New York

Had a goal to stop nursing to get her body back

Cristina, California

Was looking to wean because she wanted to gain her weight back

Vanessa, New Jersey

Was looking to wean before surgery

Tawny, Washington

Wanted to gently night wean

Annie, Phoenix

Was tired of constantly nursing on demand


Was looking to wean before surgery


Was having a hard night weaning


Wanted to wean without doing it cold turkey


Was looking forward to get herself back


Previously tried weaning, but had many failed attempts


Wanted to wean before her son started Montessori school

Get ready to witness the incredible transformation in both you and your toddler as you embark on this journey together.

The joy of independent motherhood awaits you!

Hi there, I'm Sandra!

Founder of The Gently Weaned Toddler Program.

As a mother of two, I understand firsthand the challenges that come with navigating the weaning process. It's a journey that can be filled with mixed emotions, uncertainty, and the desire to do what's best for both you and your toddler.

When I embarked on my own weaning journey, I struggled to find reliable information and support. I scoured the internet for advice, only to come across conflicting opinions and outdated methods that left me feeling frustrated and unsure. But through trial and error, I discovered effective strategies that allowed me to gently wean my toddlers while maintaining a strong bond and minimizing tears.

It was this personal experience that ignited a passion within me to help other mothers like you. I knew that there had to be a better way, a way to wean with compassion, understanding, and respect for both the mother and child. That's why I created The Gently Weaned Toddler Program, a comprehensive video course designed to guide you through the weaning process with confidence and ease.

My mission is to empower you to achieve your weaning goals while preserving the special bond you share with your toddler. I understand the deep love and attachment that breastfeeding fosters, and I believe that weaning doesn't have to mean the end of that connection. With the right approach, you can gently transition your child to a new phase of independence while nurturing your relationship along the way.

As your toddler weaning coach, I provide you with a step-by-step plan, encouragement, and unwavering support throughout your journey. I am dedicated to ensuring that you feel empowered, informed, and confident as you make decisions that are best for you and your little one.

Join me in The Gently Weaned Toddler Program and discover a whole new world of possibilities. Imagine the freedom of having more time for yourself, regaining control of your body, and finally getting that much-needed sleep. Picture the joy of witnessing your toddler's newfound independence and the precious moments you'll be able to share together.

I am here to guide you, cheer you on, and celebrate your successes. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and create a beautiful, loving, and tear-minimized weaning experience for both you and your toddler.

With love,

Your Toddler Weaning Coach


$158 USD (valued at $350)